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May 2023
My solo exhibition at the Galerie Satellite, Paris, France. The gallery has 2 spaces, next to each other, and this will be held at a smaller space of these two. 



Solo exhibition at the Galerie Satellite, Paris, France in May 2023. The gallery has 2 spaces, next to each other, and this exhibition will be held at a smaller space of these two. 

2022 September  
I received an award, "Kikakusakka Award" at the "48th AJAC Exhibition" held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (2nd floor, Citizen's Gallery 4), Tokyo, Japan

東京、上野の 「東京都美術館、2階第4展示室」で開かれた、「第48回 AJAC展」で、企画作家賞を受賞。





I made a new video of my music, 
"In the Forest", and uploaded it to my YouTube channel.
The address of this new video is this:

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